Spain awards €150m of grants to build 309MW of green hydrogen production for use in hard-to-abate sectors


The Spanish government has awarded €150m ($163m) of grants to 12 “innovative” projects that will produce a combined 309MW of green hydrogen for use in hard-to-abate sectors, including heavy industry, transport and chemicals.

The funding is the second round of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge’s (MITECO) H2 Pioneers programme, which is designed “to promote innovative initiatives in order to demonstrate the viability of new business models based on green hydrogen and activate the market”. The first round, allocated in April, awarded another €150m to 19 projects.

All of the 12 new winning projects — which will see a combined total investment of €578m — will produce green hydrogen for local consumption.

A maximum €15m of aid was allowed per project — with the funding coming from the €600bn NextGenerationEU post-Covid recovery fund, via Spain’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan —and limited to a maximum of 50MW of electrolysis.

While the developers may still reject the funding, for instance, if the amount awarded is insufficient for a project to reach a final investment decision, the awards being offered are as follows:

Project name: La Zaida Green Hydrogen Project
Developer: Enel Green Power
Electrolyser capacity: 20MW
H2 usage: Production of hydrogen peroxide
Size of award: €15m
Location: La Zaida, Aragon

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Project: Musel GreenMet
Developer: Hymet Musel
Electrolyser: 50MW
H2 usage: Methanol production
Size of award: €15m
Location: Gijon, Asturias

Project: Unnamed
Developers: Walia Energy/Green Capital Development XV
Electrolyser: 50MW
H2 usage: Ammonia production
Size of award: €15m
Location: Caspe, Aragon

Project: GP H2 As Pontes
Developer: EsuH2 Mjolnir
Electrolyser: 40MW
H2 usage: Self-consumption of green hydrogen and ammonia production
Size of award: €15m
Location: As Pontes de Garcia Rodriguez, Galicia

Project: Valle H2V Navarra
Developer: Accionaplug Calle H2V Navarra
Electrolyser: 25MW
H2 usage: “Replacement of fossil fuels in different nearby industries” and for road freight
Size of award: €15m
Location: Sangüesa/Zangoza, Navarre

Project: Green H2 Los Barrios
Developer: H2 Los Barrios
Electrolyser: 25MW
H2 usage: Replacement of natural gas “in thermal demands” and the production of ammonia
Size of award: €14,955,410.61
Location: Los Barrios, Andalusia

Project: H2-Vallmoll
Developer: Lhyfe Hidrogeno
Electrolyser: 15MW
H2 usage: Industrial and heavy mobility; “to replace grey hydrogen and fossil fuels in different industries… and for service in the freight transport fleet”.
Size of award: €14,104,587.70
Location: Vallmoll, Catalonia

Project: HyBizkaia EFuels and Mobility at Basque Hydrogen Corridor
Developers: Basque Hydrogen/ Ibil Gestor De Carga De Vehiculo Electrico/Petroleos Del Norte/Ancoa XXI/Vectalia Enkarterri/Vectalia Lujua Txorierri Mungialdea
Electrolyser: 10MW
H2 usage: Industrial and heavy mobility; synthetic fuels; two hydrogen passenger transport fleets
Size of award: €13,254,470
Location: Ciérvana/Zierbena, Basque Country

Project: H2 Puerto Sevilla
Developer: Solaner Dos
Electrolyser: 9.1MW
H2 usage: Production of “eco-fuels”, replacement of grey hydrogen in metallurgy and glass, fuel for buses and forklifts, and onshore power supply for vessels docked in the Port of Seville
Size of award: €9,560,506.84
Location: Seville, Andalusia

Project: Hystone
Developers: Atlantica Energia Sostenible España/Redexis Gas Servicios/SailH2 Ingeniera
Electrolyser: 10MW
H2 usage: Replacement of fossil fuels in the production of Dekton, a stone-like product for kitchens and paving; fuel for freight and forklifts.
Size of award: €9,333, 378.79
Location: Cantoria, Andalusia

Project: H2OSSA
Developer: Etfuels Spain
Electrolyser: 50MW
H2 usage: Methanol production
Size of award: €8,827,589.62
Location: Ossa de Montiel, Castilla-La Mancha

Project: H2 Alcarria
Developer: Ficus Power
Electrolyser: 5MW
H2 usage: Chemical synthesis of industrial gases and fuel for “specialised vehicles used in the aviation industry”.
Size of award: €4,964,056.44
Location: Torija, Castilla-La Mancha

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