An Ultimate Guide To Sustainable Homes


Want to live a sustainable life? Isn’t better to start making these choices right from your home? With a little bit of research and few thoughtful choices, you can begin to implement this little yet impactful change right in your home.

Environmentally friendly choices come along with sustainable living. There are many choices that can determine the level of sustainability of a house. We can mention here: the location of your house, the furniture you use and the type of appliances you rely on, there are a few factors that you should consider in order to make your home more sustainable.

Here are a few things that can be done to make your house more sustainable:

Install Solar Panels

Solar panels are an effective way to produce clean energy, and if you use a battery system, you can also conserve some solar energy for later use. This can have a strong impact on the environment because you are consuming less energy from the grid. If you live in Texas, you can contact Blue Raven to install solar panels, however, after installing them, you will notice a reduction of your monthly energy bills. Apart from this personal benefit, solar panels are extremely beneficial for the environment because they can conserve existing energy making your home more sustainable.

Conventional electricity is still generated mainly from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. When these finite sources of power are burned to produce electricity, they release harmful gases that lead to air pollution and global warming. Solar panels have zero emissions, so they fight against global warming and climate change.

However, what is important is to keep your PV panels clean all the time to help them work at full capacity. If left covered with dust, dead leaves and debris, they will work at low efficiency, which means that you will waste the sunlight. Therefore, you should contact professional cleaners and get your solar panel serviced.

Harvest Rainwater

Harvesting rainwater is an essential part if you want to live a sustainable life. If done properly, rainwater harvesting can provide around 50 percent of your family’s water needs. This thing will save water and money and also will reduce your impact on the environment by conserving an important resource like water.

To harvest rainwater you have to use a device that acts like an appliance. It is easy to install and easy to maintain. However, you might need professional help to install the product and understand its functions completely. The device also needs maintenance at regular intervals. The water collected by harvesting the rain can be used for all purposes and is also safe for human and animal consumption.

Buy Energy Star Appliances

A home is bound to have multiple appliances that are used daily. Energy Star appliances are certified by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). These appliances are known to use 10 to 50 percent less energy than a non-energy efficient equivalent. So, whenever you plan to buy a new appliance, check the energy star. This will not only help you save a lot of money on energy bills, but will also save a lot of power from the grid.

You can find Energy Star certified appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, hot water geysers, etc. They also require regular servicing like any other appliance, but they consume less power. Moreover, if you will continue to keep your old appliances, they will continue to cause problems and inflate your energy bills month after month. If your air conditioner is causing problems way too often, then it’s definitely time for an air conditioner replacement. Such appliances are big energy consumers, so it’s very important to use one that is energy efficient.

After replacing your old appliances with newer and smarter ones, it’s time to switch your regular light bulbs with LED light because they last much longer and they have an extremely low energy consumption. These bulbs are known for saving considerable amounts of energy every month.

Design your home in ways to have enough windows and doors to let natural light enter your home, and this way you can reduce the use of artificial light. These little changes will help you increase the level of sustainability in your home and will help you save huge amounts of power and money.

Even if you use new appliances you have to know that you have to maintain them from time to time because only this way they will be able to conserve energy. Well serviced appliances consume less energy than appliances that are not maintained properly.

Opt for Sustainable Furniture

Your choice of furniture also reflects your sense of sustainability. While selecting furniture for your house, you have to choose furniture made from organic materials. This way, you can go for organic fibers and good-quality furniture that will keep your home healthy and safe for you and your family.

Another way to install sustainable furniture in your home is to buy furniture made by local craftsmen. Talking to them will help you find modular multi-use furniture, to stuff things in a sustainable way.

If we talk about mattresses, always choose natural and organic materials, like cotton, wool, and natural latex. Always use organic because you this way you will feel much better when sleeping.

Use Eco-friendly decors and essential products

If you are building your new home or renovating an old house, choose non-toxic building materials with the Environmental Choice tick of approval. In the house, your bedroom is probably the place where you spend most of your night. What can make your bedroom sustainable and environmentally friendly is represented by the materials and products used in that room.

When looking for the perfect sustainable bedding, you should rely on natural antibacterial and recyclable materials. Select materials that are in harmony with nature, because only this way you can conserve resources and live in a very pleasant environment.

Build a little garden

Another way to facilitate sustainable living in your home is to build a little garden in your backyard or install little plants in and around your home. The importance of planting and growing plants inside and outside the house is very important to make feel happy and relaxed. The color and the smell of the flowers will not only help you breathe cleaner air, but will also beautify your home.

Apart from just regular plants, you can also create an edible garden, which will help you save money while having your very own healthy food resource right at your house.

Maintaining your very own garden will also reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. All in all, with this little in-house garden, you’ll be saving money, helping the planet, and being more healthy than ever before.


Sustainability starts at home. A sustainable life is one step ahead to make your home eco-friendly. While choosing the appliances, furniture, doors and windows for your home, think about the future and your impact on nature.

Stop wasting water and try to recycle when is possible. Get your appliances serviced at regular intervals to keep them in good shape and the money in your pocket.

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