Electric Vehicles Outperform Gasoline Cars For Safety


Electric vehicles (EVs) are half as likely to be involved in a car accident than a standard car, according to Lex Autolease. Even when an EV is in a road accident, the chance of getting injured is 40% lower than if you were driving a gas-guzzling motor. So, what is it about EVs that makes them so much safer?

Fewer parts

There are a fewer parts in an EV than there is in a traditional gasoline car. For example, an electric engine has around 20 moving parts, while an internal combustion engine has almost 2,000 parts.

EVs are therefore a much safer choice as they’re less likely to go wrong, break down, and there’s less maintenance to complete. There’s no clutch, exhaust, radiator, or starter motor on an EV. These parts often go wrong and when they do they’re a major safety concern. You do still need to keep your EV in good condition to keep it as safe as possible though. This includes having software checks done and replacing the battery when it wears out.

Heavier vehicles

EVs run off lithium-ion batteries which add a lot of weight to the car. One of the heaviest EVs on the market is the Ford F-150 which weighs around 1,600 pounds more than the gas-powered version. Studies show that the heavier a vehicle, the better the outcome for the occupants if they crash as there is less force.

One reason for this is because there’s no engine. The empty hood acts as a protective cushion and keeps the occupants safe and free from serious injury. However, it is still possible to get injured. The team at https://www.fvflawfirm.com/ state that ‘if your accident resulted in injuries, a collision can become extremely disruptive or even life changing’, so you may need legal help, even if you were driving an EV at the time.

Low flammability

It’s common for cars to catch fire after a crash. Consumer Notice reports that there are 19 vehicle fires every hour in The States. Vehicle fires are far less likely to happen when you’re driving an EV as there’s no gas to accelerate a fire. There is still a small risk, though. Lithium-ion batteries are flammable, but much less so than gas. EV car manufacturers have also put safety measures into place to stop batteries from setting alight. This includes using liquid cooling technology and installing aluminium plates.

Range anxiety

EV drivers are more likely to be cautious drivers, according to a study by J.D. Power. They report that drivers of electric vehicles experience range anxiety. Range anxiety happens when a driver panics that their battery will run out of power before they get to where they want to be or to a charging station. As a result, they drive slower than drivers of standard vehicles so that they can preserve their battery’s charge.

Two of the biggest benefits of being an EV driver is that they’re safer and less likely to cause you injuries. If you haven’t already made the switch to an EV, then it’s certainly time to do so.

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