DNV launches JIP to identify barriers to use of HVDC transmission in US grid

DNV, an independent energy expert and assurance provider, has launched a joint industry project (JIP) with 10 offshore wind and transmission developers to identify changes to electrical standards and standardisation needed to enable the connection of high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission into the US’ electric grid. HVDC is an essential component for integrating offshore wind, and other sources of clean energy, reliably and cost-effectively onto the power grid over long distances.
Phase one of the JIP will run through early 2024, during which DNV and the JIP participants will undertake an inventory of and prioritise key technical issues that stand in the way of the timely and efficient use of HVDC transmission. After ranking the issues based on the participants’ experiences, the group will identify a stakeholder body most responsible for implementing a solution.
Members of the JIP include:
- Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind.
- DNV.
- EDF Renewables.
- Equinor.
- Invenergy.
- National Grid Ventures.
- Ocean Winds.
- PPL TransLink WindGrid.
- RWE.
- Shell.
- TotalEnergies.
This JIP comes at a critical time. Today, HVDC transmission is not widely used within the US, and there are appreciable barriers to its further development that represent a serious risk to the long-term development, growth, and economic feasibility of clean energy projects being propelled by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. In fact, DNV’s recently published Energy Transition North America report found that the US will not achieve its clean energy goals without modernising its power grid. DNV’s forecast shows that more than 5900 miles of HVDC undersea transmission cables are needed to enable efficient offshore wind development by mid-century.
“To put it simply, there will be no transition without transmission,” said Richard S. Barnes, Region President, Energy Systems North America at DNV. “It doesn’t matter how much clean power generation capacity is online if there is no low-cost, reliable way to get that energy to the grid. HVDC transmission is a key part of the solution, and DNV is proud to be working with leading offshore wind and transmission companies to tackle head on the barriers preventing its deployment.”
Upon completion of phase one, DNV and the JIP participants will use the JIP findings to raise awareness of the barriers to the greater use of HVDC transmission and the stakeholder bodies who can help overcome them. Through this effort DNV and the JIP participants hope to reduce project risks, accelerate deployment timelines, and ensure that supply chain constraints are appropriately considered.
For more news and technical articles from the global renewable industry, read the latest issue of Energy Global magazine.
Energy Global’s Winter 2023 issue
The Winter 2023 issue of Energy Global hosts an array of technical articles weather analysis, geothermal solutions, energy storage technology, and more. This issue also features a regional report looking at the future of renewables in North America, and a report from Théodore Reed-Martin, Editorial Assistant, Energy Global, on how Iceland utilises its unique geology for renewable energy.
Read the article online at: https://www.energyglobal.com/wind/11012024/dnv-launches-jip-to-identify-barriers-to-use-of-hvdc-transmission-in-us-grid/