Go Clean Energy Conference – Cascade Business News

350Deschutes hosts The ninth annual Go Clean Energy Conference at Central Oregon Community College. Electrify to Prosper, for you, your business, and the planet. 25 speakers, including four keynote thought leaders, will help you discover opportunities and solutions in green building, heat pumps, solar, clean energy, efficiency, sustainability, EV charging and electric vehicles. For individuals, businesses and government. Whether you own or rent, there are options for you. For your home, apartment, farm, or commercial business, including nonprofit organizations, schools, and faith communities. Billed as the most affordable “how to” conference in the region, tickets are only $25 earlybird by September 8 at GoCleanEnergy.org $65 thereafter.
Senator Ron Wyden will keynote on “The role of Federal policies in Reducing Costs and Advancing Clean Energy.” Dr. Maya Buchanan, a climate scientist, will discuss resiliency, and also assist local governments and businesses with assessing the true cost of policies and actions. Christine Ransome of Cameron McCarthy, a local landscape architecture firm, will discuss the importance of trees. Lastly, Nathan Kipnis, an award winning architect, will discuss why Green Building is taking off. People will also have an induction burner demonstration from Colin Vogel, pastry chef from the restaurant, 900 Wall, in Bend.
Two tracks will engage both individuals, as well as businesses, and government. The new technology known as the heat pump is a financial and health game changer for heating and cooling of spaces and water. Speakers will advise on some of the choices available, as well as cash incentives. Low to moderate income individuals have the most significant incentives, amounting to several thousand dollars in some cases. Presenters will also address solar incentives, both cash and federal tax credits that can help to pay for solar, as well as reduce monthly bills. Financial options are available. Discover Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (CPACE), a pivotal finance tool now available to help lower the cost of capital for clean energy projects. Not to be missed is the afternoon session on electric vehicles and EV charging. Several presenters provide an in depth view of individual options and discuss how electric fleets save money on maintenance and fuel costs. Jim Burness of National Car Charging, will guide attendees with “Rightsizing” their EV charging project. 350Deschutes and Pacific Power will discuss incentives to pay for fleet and home chargers.
Our Generous Sponsors Make This Conference Possible:
We thank our generous top tier sponsor, The City of Bend, as well as Energy Trust of Oregon, Earthlight Solar and Energy Solutions, Cascade Financial Strategies, Pacific Cascade Electric, National Car Charging, Pacific Power, Greensavers, Shasta Power, Beneficial State Bank, Cascade Financial Strategies, SunRiver Brewing, Central Electric Cooperative,Cameron McCarthy, Countryman Capital Partners, 475 High Performance Building Supply, Mountain Burger, Roost Development, SunWest Builders.
WHEN: October 2, 2024, 8:30am to 4:30pm, followed by social hour.
Host: 350Deschutes, a nonprofit organization working on a just transition for all people to a clean low carbon economy.
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