GridTECH Connect Forum – California opens call for interconnection content
Hey there, renewabilibuddies! Do you mind sharing some of that sweet, sweet interconnection content?
Our call for content is now open for GridTECH Connect Forum – California, taking place June 24-26, 2024 in Newport Beach! And we’ve got big news to share- we’re expanding to cover all interconnection, from community solar up to massive utility-scale projects.
Don’t miss this opportunity to play a crucial role in shaping the future of interconnection by letting us know which content matters to you.
GridTECH Connect Forum is the interconnection event, offering electric utilities, grid operators, project developers, policymakers, solutions providers, and advocates the unique opportunity to join forces and improve the critical issue of interconnection through face-to-face collaboration.
California has some of the most ambitious sustainability and clean energy goals in the country. The state is facing roadblocks on the cutting edge of innovation while navigating challenges including electrical vehicles to battery storage, microgrids, DERMs, community solar, and everything in between. GridTECH Connect Forum will assemble a diverse collection of stakeholders to advance interconnection procedures and policies on our left coast.
We invite industry experts, researchers, policymakers, and innovators to submit their proposals and share their knowledge, experiences, and insights at this important event. We are seeking dynamic and engaging presentations, panel discussions, and case studies that explore a wide range of topics related to DER and utility-scale interconnection. All proposals should appeal to each of our key stakeholder groups: developers, utilities, and regulators.
Check out our list of topics below, and smash the button if you want to be a part of our mission.
2024 topics include:
- Utility-scale projects
- DER and community solar
- DERMS and Virtual Power Plants
- EVs and the grid
- Battery energy storage
- Microgrids
- System planning
- Policy and regulation
Session submissions are due by March 11, 2024 by 11:59 PM EST. Late submissions will not be accepted, no exceptions. All submitters will be notified of their acceptance status by April 15, 2024.