New England’s last coal plants to be shut down, replaced with renewables


New England’s last coal plants to be shut down, replaced with renewables

Schiller Station (Credit: Granite Shore Power)

Granite Shore Power (GSP) announced an agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) setting a firm date for the voluntary closure of Merrimack Station and Schiller Station, New England’s last remaining coal plants.

This agreement will facilitate the creation of “Renewable Energy Parks” in the state of New Hampshire, and GSP says the plant closures will open the path to new renewable generation and battery storage at their sites. As part of the redevelopment plan, Schiller Station is advancing a battery energy storage system, and for the Merrimack Station site, GSP plans to redevelop nearly 400 acres of land into a “clean energy center.”

“I was thrilled to hear the announcement that Granite Shore is planning to invest in clean energy technologies at the sites of their facilities,” said Sam Evans-Brown, Executive Director of Clean Energy NH. “The energy transition is becoming an unstoppable force, and sites like these are ideal places to site this infrastructure. We look forward to learning more about Granite Shore’s plans in the months and years to come.”

Merrimack Station has two coal-fired steam units and two kerosene-fueled combustion turbine units for a total of 482 MW (winter capacity). The two coal-fired units serve as seasonal and peak demand resources, while the two combustion turbine units primarily serve peaking roles.

“From our earliest days as owners and operators, we have been crystal clear; while our power occasionally is still on during New England’s warmest days and coldest nights, we were firmly committed to transitioning our facilities away from coal and into a newer, cleaner energy future,” said Jim Andrews, CEO of Granite Shore Power. “By pursuing and ultimately entering into this voluntary agreement with the U.S. EPA, we are keeping that commitment.”

Schiller Station has two, dual-fuel units capable of firing coal or fuel oil, a fuel oil-fired combustion turbine, and a biomass boiler, which reach a combined total output of 155 MW (winter capacity). The units serve mainly as peaking resources for the grid with the exception of the biomass boiler, which operates as a baseload unit, according to Granite Shoals Power website.

“The New Hampshire Seacoast is an area of high-energy demand and through the repowering of Schiller Station, we will provide carbon-neutral power to support the businesses and families of New Hampshire,” Andrews said. “Our facilities are ideally situated near the infrastructure necessary to transition the region to the next generation of energy resources.”

Originally published in Power Engineering.