Registration is live for GridTECH Connect Forum

(No longer just behind the scenes, GridTECH Connect Forum’s Hannah Cehovsky now has this picture on the internet commemorating her unflappable diligence at the registration booth.)
Join us in sunny Newport Beach June 24-26 at the Hyatt Regency
If you’ve been waiting for an invitation, consider this your second.
We’ve closed our call for content, and now it’s time to welcome YOU to GridTECH Connect Forum – California! We’ll be setting up shop at the Hyatt Regency June 24-26, and if you’d like to join us, registration is now open.
GridTECH Connect Forum is a thought-leadership style conference focused on interconnection, from the smallest DER to massive utility-scale projects. Industry leaders have identified interconnection as a pain point that impacts everyone involved in renewable energy development. GTC strives to take away as much of the sting as possible!
We bring developers, utilities, grid operators, regulators, and policymakers together under one tent. By having face-to-face conversations and learning from our peers, we believe we can collaboratively advance the state of interconnection and make the process smoother for all parties who want to connect projects to the grid.
With some of the most ambitious sustainability and clean energy goals in the country, California is at the cutting edge of the energy transition while confronting its most cumbersome roadblocks. From electrical vehicles to battery storage, microgrids, community solar, and everything in between, attendees will collaborate to advance interconnection procedures and policies in California. We hope to see you there!