Whether you’re considering lowering your carbon footprint or decreasing the energy expense – opting for solar integration should be the “way to go” for you.

However, there’s a hitch.

The procedure of solar integration is quite daunting and, sometimes, confusing. Hence, while you’re at it, you have to focus on the pros and cons of solar energy intently. Once you’re done, you can then make a list of considerations to follow.

Besides, you will need to learn about how you can store energy effectively. Or else, it might lead to blatant wastage of the same.

In this article, I will tell you about:

  • Things you should keep in mind before investing in solar energy.
  • Why should you focus on energy storage?

Let’s get started with it, then.

Considerations To Make Prior To Solar Integration

Many people consider solar integration to be all about “going green” and saving the world from global warming. Nonetheless, that’s not where its benefits lie, though.

Aside from the aforesaid, installing solar panels can also increase your home’s ROI and save your electric bill-related expenses.

However, that doesn’t mean you can simply slack off and integrate solar energy into your house without making any consideration. It might lead to various unforeseen issues later on.

Consideration – 1: Energy Requirements Of Your Home

The power requirement will depend solely upon how many people are living in your house and the number of equipment they’re using. Depending on the same, you can perceive how many solar panels you have to buy to save your electricity bill.

For example, if you have an average-sized house and get a bill of $100 monthly, you’ll need 15 to 20 solar panels as a whole.

Consideration – 2: Duration Of Living In The House

Whether you believe it or not, solar integration, in essence, is an expensive procedure. Hence, it’ll take somewhere around 5-6 years (at least) to pay off the investment.

Thus, if you want to stay in your current home for a prolonged period, installing solar panels on it will be ideal. Don’t do it only for the sake of increasing your ROI.

Consideration – 3: Type Of Roof

If you are considering installing a roof-top panel, focusing on its type should be your primary concern. For example, some organizations or manufacturers recommend installing their items on shingles. If you use Spanish tiles on your roof, it’ll be unfeasible for you to integrate them.

In any case, if you don’t want to research or get into any additional trouble, you can always opt for flexible solar panels. They might not be durable enough, but their overall efficacy and adaptability in producing electricity are unparalleled.

Consideration – 4: Location Of Your House

When it comes to electricity production, the amount of direct sunlight you’re getting will be significant. Well, of course, the region you’re living in will matter the most in this regard. But, the height of your roof and the availability of trees near it can also affect the quality and the volume of sunlight you receive yearly.

Now, when talking about panels, some of them tend to offer a lower output while shadowed, while the others will shut down entirely. Thus, it’s recommended to keep the panels under direct sunlight to get maximum productivity.

Consideration – 5: The Size Of The Panel

Contrary to popular belief, the size of a photovoltaic panel does not always dictate its overall efficacy. For example, a 60-cell panel offering 20% effectiveness will be much better than a 72-cell panel with 15% productivity.

Nonetheless, there’s always an exception to every rule.

For example, if your house has a vast roof, it’ll be best if you buy 72-cell panels. Due to their size, you won’t have to invest in loads of consoles while saving your money.

Energy Storage – What’s This All About?

Although it may not seem so, solar integration and energy storage are, indeed, related to each other. After all, if you don’t save the power your solar panels are creating throughout the day, they’ll go to waste entirely.

Thus, while integrating a solar panel system in your house, you have to consider creating a separate storage section as well. Here’s how it can be beneficial for you.

  • Balance The Overall Load Of Electricity: As mentioned, without any storage, you have to use the produced energy instantly. If you aren’t doing so, it may lead to over-generation and affect the grid massively. Additionally, during a period when there is no sunlight, the power generation will get extremely low. However, this issue can be taken care of by using storage. You can simply save the unused electricity in it and use it when you need it.
  • Providing Backup: Having backup power in a repository can also help you avoid a complete shutdown during an electrical disruption or power cut. Hence, with it, you will be able to keep all of your critical facilities working and ensure essential services without any stoppage.
  • Solar Generation: You can also use a short-term storage option and carry it in your car or any other vehicle to power it when needed. In some cases, it can be used for small-scale applications, such as portable power units or smartphones.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

So, have you read it until now? Then, you probably do have some queries regarding our topic.
Don’t worry, though.

I’ll try to cover them up in this section as much as possible. Let’s get started, then.

1. What Are The Advantages Of Using Solar Energy?

By using solar energy, you can reduce your carbon footprint on the environment. Also, it can help you save your electricity bill and lower the overall water usage (it’s used for cooling machines and generators).

2. What Side Of The Roof Should The Solar Panels Be On?

The southern part of your house should be the best possible position to install solar panels if you live in the Northern hemisphere. But, if you want, you may also opt for the east or west side to gather more energy during the starting or the ending of the day.

Final Thoughts

If you are integrating a solar panel for the first time in your house, I’d ask you to first talk to an expert. This way, it will be easier for you to learn more about the technicalities and ensure that you get the latest technology, to avoid something getting wrong later on.

However, if you’re confused about something regarding this article, I’ll ask you to jot them down below in the comment section. I’ll help you as much as I can.

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