What is a Tree Survey?

Trees are one of the most precious and valuable natural resources we have on earth. Conservation of trees has become a major priority for both people, organizations, and the government. Certain trees have become extinct due to harvesting, protecting them has become a priority.
Due to this fact, anyone looking to clear, build on or study forested land needs to obtain a tree survey before starting the project.
A tree survey is an important review that serves as a guide in assisting homeowners and property managers in making their decision. Tree surveys can be carried out on both private and public own lands.
The main purpose of carrying out a tree survey is to provide useful information about a particular tree or a group of trees. Depending on the information derived the owners can finally decide on what to do.
After conducting a survey some important information would be brought to light, which includes the following:
- The age of the tree
- The specie of the tree base on scientific analysis
- The expectancy of the tree’s life
- The physical measurement of the tree Including the height and diameter
- Management recommendation
- The overall health of the tree, it’s a psychological and structural condition
- Reference numbers that are particular to each tree
Although it’s not a must to carry out tree surveys, there are many reasons why people need to conduct a tree survey on their land or property.
Reasons Why A Tree Survey Is Needed To Be Carried Out
In some countries you must carry out a tree survey, this is because the area might have a certain species of tree that is being protected. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 is a law that protects trees from being cut down accidentally or intentionally.
A tree survey is also needed to be carried out before you make plans on changing a property or landscape. For instance, you want to build on land that has trees or close to trees or where the building will be adjacent to a tree, you need a tree survey to affirm the safety of your building and the occupants.
Information obtained from tree surveys can be used in several ways.
It provides information for a landscape designer to come up with computer designs on how the land should be developed. The draft from a reliable tree survey tends to be more accurate because a lot of facts are being put into consideration.
Base on the information obtained, a landscape designer might decide to keep some trees to increase the value of the property. However, trees that are bounded by laws that can not be removed are incorporated into the design to be a part of the project.
This is an important aspect because the trees become a part of the overall landscape instead of being excluded.
Another reason why a tree survey is needed is that it points out certain hazards depending on the general health state of the tree. For instance, a tree that has been affected by fungi or any disease prone to falling by a strong wind. It is advisable not to retain such trees on your property, cut them down to avoid possible accidents.
Finally, a tree survey should be carried out by experts, highly trained, and experienced arboriculturist. These professionals would educate you more on all the necessary facts you need to know about trees.
When carrying out a tree survey, these professionals use special tags and numbers on trees for further use and clear reference. If you would like to know more about a certain tree these tags and a summary table prepared by the arborist would provide the necessary information you desire.
How Much Does A Tree Survey Cost?
After a proper explanation of the reasons why a tree survey needed the next question that comes to mind is how much does it cost to carry out a tree survey. The cost of carrying out a tree survey differs from one person to another because there are factors that determine the total cost. The arborist will have to pay a visit to your property, examine the trees present there, and compose a survey report.
Some other factor that the arborist would take into consideration are: the distance and the location of your property, the number of trees that need to be surveyed, their species, and tools needed. These are some of the factors that would determine the cost.
To arrive at an accurate estimate, you will have to speak to a professional arborist ensure that they have all the necessary qualifications, experience and valid insurance cover before hiring to carry out the survey.
Before proceeding to actual work on your property there are facts you need to take into consideration before embarking on surveying the trees on your property. Getting an expert to survey your property is one the next is when is the best time to carry out a tree survey.
When Is A Tree Survey Necessary?
In most areas tree survey is necessary because there are laws protecting some endangered species of trees, falling them accidentally or intentionally can be held as a crime.
In other terms of reason, tree survey can help you determine if there are certain trees that would help increase the value of your property. For example an ancient oak tree, such trees are rare and are known for their natural beauty, having such a unique tree on your property can actually increase the value rate of your property.
Therefore the information gotten from the survey helps you develop a beautiful landscape around these beautiful trees.
Information gotten from tree survey can be of great help to landscape designers in generating designs of a property on computer. Draft designs are much more realistic when a tree survey has been carried out.
Another reason for getting a tree survey is that it points out hazards that may likely to occur. Trees that have been affected by diseases are on the verge of falling down, such these need to be remove to prevent any form of accident from occurring.
The special trained arboriculrurist will be able to present a clear report that everyone can understand. Each tree present would be given a special tag and number, this means that the numbers can be cross checked at any time with a summary table showing the relevant information about each tree.
Work immediately begins on the land as soon as the survey is completed.
Below are basic question that is to be considered as survey begins on your land.
Do I need a tree survey?
This is a general question most homeowners and property managers ask. Well the answer is YES.
If you are planning an extension of an already existing property or you are planning a new building a tree survey is necessary. And also if you are changing access or moving service line a survey is required.
A tree survey include trees on site and trees that are twelve meter away from service line, new point or access building.
What trees are needed to be include?
The survey needs to show all tress on plan, this must be a scale of 1:500 and must be accurate within + 0.5m.
When is a tree survey not required?
If you are altering an existing property but you are still maintaining the footprints and not altering the access point or service line then a tree survey is not needed.